How to arrive to Transylvania
and to Magura
and what to take with you:
You can arrive by car. If you come from northern Germany you have to pause in Hungary for a night
(unless you have at least two drivers).and what to take with you:
If you travel by train, take the night train in Vienna, and arrive well rested in the morning in Medias or later in the morning in Brasov. You will be collected from the station.
If you arrive by plane you should fly to Bucharest. From there a railway brings you to Brasov. Or you can be picked up at the Bucharest airport by a mini-bus, - ask us!
If your holiday starts in Sibiu (round trip or walking tour), you should of course fly directly to Sibiu.
Your special luggage for Romania:
In Transylvania it is quite warm in summer (mediterranean temperatures), and naturally you have strong solar
radiation in the high mountains. Take light and sun-protective clothing (sunhat!). Do not forget to pack
bathing suits, and even a light rainwear. Transylvania is a very fertile and green land, and it may rain even
in summer, but usually only for a short time. You must not fear long rainy periods.

If you also want to make real hikes in the high mountains (that is over 1,000 meters), you should choose the most stable boots you can find. The mountain paths are predominantly in a natural state.
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